Monday, November 4, 2013


          Worth is everything to people. Every ones falls in love with things and people that are worth something to them. No one wants something in their lives that are worthless to them. Something with worth makes people feel happy and good about themselves
           Ill tell you what, something that is worth a lot to me is my Xbox. I really don't know what I would do without it. I've been playing Xbox for about 5 years now and I probably play it way to much. I get judged for how much I play it but I don't really care I think its cool that I play it a lot. One reason its worth so much to me is because every time I play it I always have a good time, well most of the time. Sometimes I will get really mad when I lose a game because I take it so seriously. I've even broken a few controllers from throwing them after I have been so mad from losing a game. no matter what happens in my games though I will always love my Xbox and it has so much worth to me I wouldn't want any other gaming console on the planet I will always stay true to Xbox. All my friends have Xbox's too and there is nothing better than having an online gaming session and night after school. I would feel really left out if I didn't have an Xbox because I would never get to play with them. Their Xbox's are worth a lot to them too. We always talk about how we don't know what we would do if we never started gaming it is a true passion of ours. 
            This is what I think worth is to people something that they truly love and care about. I just wrote a paragraph about something that a lot of you don't care about at all but worth is very different from each kind of person in this world. If something has worth in someones eyes they must have good qualities, that's what makes up worth. Worth can be anything whether its a gaming console, jewelry, houses, or sports team. One thing that I find really funny is when there are fans that are crazy about their sports teams and the are worth a lot to them but their team is absolutely worthless on the field. I think a great example of people like this are Colorado State fans. They always talk so much trash before the game and can never back it up on the field because they are WORTHLESS.
             Worth is very different for everyone in this world. Worth in someones eyes represents great qualities and gets a person attached. Everyone has different taste in things that are worth something to them.