Monday, May 5, 2014


        This is a time in our lives when a lot of looking back and reflecting is going on. With high school two weeks away from ended a knowing that we will never go to this school again is a crazy thing to think about. It seems like whenever I'm with friends now or a group of kids that is the topic of discussion and how fast it has gone by and also talking about all the great memories that we have had. It almost feels like a blur its gone that fast. I was talking with my friends the other day about being in the gym for our first day of high school ever at Fairview and how that doesn't seem long ago at all. We always talk about how great its been playing sports for Fairview and all the memories that have come with that all the good times we've had and how that s brought us so close together.
        Its really hard to think of being at any other school besides Fairview. Soon we will all be leaving each other and getting ready for something new. This summer it will no longer be getting ready for our sports at Fairview and hanging out everyday it will be preparing to start the next chapter of our lives. Its a very weird feeling knowing that I will not be going to Fairview next year and not being with the kids that I have grown up with my whole life. I do know that none of us will ever forget these memories and everything that we have been through and it will always be a very important part of our lives

Friday, February 21, 2014

Blog Carnival 5

          Its very hard at this age to think about our futures. I have no idea what I'm going to be doing later in my life and thats really scary and hard to think about. Many people tell me that you should always do the things that make you happy in your life. I think thats definitely a big part in setting up a future for yourself that will make you happy. I would ray rather have a job that I like doing and am happy with then have a job that I absolutely hate and make more money. I think thats another big key to a happy future is doing a job that you really enjoy.
          Im always going to hold onto the things that I enjoyed in my childhood later on in my future I know that those things will always make me happy. Basketball for one I know that I'm not going to be able to play it forever but ill try to for as long as I can. I still will go and watch games and be involved with the sport that is something that will never change for me even though it will be tough when I'm not physically capable to play anymore.
          Its also important to bond and stay together with people. Being around people that help you and make you feel good is going to be a big key in life later down the road. Its very important to keep good relationships with people that you know now in your life and also people that you meet down the road. People that you go through life together with will always help you out and pick you up when the times are hard and I think thats why its important to come together with people because with things are tough and not going well in your life then you always have them to fall back to and they will always be there if you build a close bond with them. Its going to be a crazy and fun adventure later in life no especially going to college and being separated from people that we have known for years its still important to come together and take this journey as it comes together.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Themes of Humanity

         My human theme for this semester is doing everything together. I think that this really apples to me and everyone else in the senior class at this time. These are the last few months and last year that we will all be at school together. I was really thinking the other day about how close the time is where we are all going to be moving off and no longer going to school together and hanging out with some of the friends you have for several years now. I think its important to just to everything together right now because we will soon all be regreting it when we are all leaving and gone for college next year and so much changes. This is also the last year that I will be able to play sports competetively with the kids I have been playing with since I came into middle school in 6th grade. The is the last time that we get to do everything together as a team and go out and compete as a team together. 
        Writing about doing everything together just seemed like the right thing to write about for this blog carnival. It just seems like perfect timing for everything that is going on with all of us in the senior class right now. I even want to become closer to people that I don't really know in our grade and not just in our grade but in the school. I think it would be nice just to end high school on a good note and know a lot of people and band together and leave the school and everyone on a good note. My brother is a freshman and Fairview and we have been living together doing almost everything together for as long as I can remember. Through him I have met a lot of younger class man this year at Fairview and I ended up really liking them. It really hit me recently that age doesn't matter in high school and you can be friends and do anything together with anyone no matter the age which I think is really cool. 

        I chose to write about doing everything together because I think it is perfect timing for everyone to start doing everything together. Its crazy how little time that we have left together and it would be awesome to spend that time enjoying everyone and having fun together and it really blows my mind how little time we have left until we are all gone and moving on with our lives