Friday, September 27, 2013


       Have you ever felt like you cant get enough of something? That is what obsession is any many people are obsessed with certain things in their lives and cant go a day without thinking about it and that is all they think about. They are overwhelmed thinking or doing the thing that they are obsessed with everyday and its a constant battle not to thing about it. Even myself I will find drifting off in class thinking about the next basketball game that I'm going to play in and how excited I am for that or maybe even the next time I'm going to get home and play xbox. Its these two things that I am really obsessed with and really enjoy doing and that I believe I was leads people to be obsessed with things.
       Sports are one thing that a lot of people are obsessed with. Some people will fall in love with winning and that is what sports are all about and having a competitive nature. Theres sort of a thrill when you do something great while playing a sport just little things about it that people get attached to. Even being a fan or a sport or a sports team can make people obsessed. All they want for is for there team to do well. They become obsessed with certain players on their teams and some want to grow up to be just like them. They love seeing them go out and play well.  . People who go to games will cheer and talk trash to opposing fans. They get a thrill out of seeing there team do well when they play and that they get to brag for a week on how they won and if they continue to win they will go on and on and on and fall in love with being a fan of the best team in their sport which is basically what obsession is. 
       Some people will take their sports obsessions with their certian team or player to the absolute extreme. After every win the football program and the University of Auburn get all the fans go out to Toomers trees and TP them . People get a joy out of doing this and are obsessed with the team winning and also the tradition they have of winning. The University of Alabama are the rivals of the University of Auburn and one man who is obsessed with the football team at the University of Alabama might have just taken things a little too far. One night he went out and poisoned Toomers trees at Auburn. This might not seem like a big deal to a lot of people but the trees at Auburn weren't just loved because fans got to TP them after games but everyone at the University said they trees were very beautiful and many people became obsessed for them because of that reason. When the fan who was obsessed with Alabama poisoned the trees he was basically wanting to show his hatred for the University of Auburn. The people at the University of Auburn were very crushed by this. 
       This may seem dumb to a lot of people but its the love that people have for sports and the passion they carry and the joy that they get when they upset the enemy or see them fall is truly what makes people obsessed with sports. 

1 comment:

  1. Loved the blog. Loved the articles. I think sports are where many find they're obsession. Within sports there is almost a romantic value to it. People fall in love with sports hero's such as a Joe Montana, a Michael Jordan, Babe Ruth and you see with the past couple of days with Todd Helton's last game at Coors Field and Mariano Rivera exiting as "Sandman". You see how the fans treated them and how tears came to the fans eyes. Obsession with sports is the best obsession (besides Jesus) to have.
